Volume 2, Number 1                 January 2007

Welcome <$firstname$>,

Its the new year and time again for that venerable tradition, New Year's Resolutions.

If you've heard that phrase too many times in the last few weeks, I don't blame you. Seems like everyone with a newsletter or email list is telling you how to do them right this year.

Let's get one thing straight. New Year's Resolutions are simply goals dressed up with a different name and the gloss that this is a new year and therefore a special time to change our lives.

I have failed to achieve New Year's Resolutions, just like most of us, because of one reason, and its a very important reason indeed. In fact it is one of the most important lessons I ever learned.

The fact that this is a new year changes nothing about our lives. We fail to achieve these resolutions because we fail to change our thinking and we fail to create action steps.

In truth we make resolutions all year. Most fail because they are simply statements of what we want without a concrete plan for achieving them.

By all means make New Year's Resolutions. But having made them, treat them like the specific goals they are and set out the steps you will use to achieve them, schedule those steps, budget the expenses associated with them, and go on to success.

Story Magic Weekend, March 24, 25, 2007

If one of your goals for the new year is to upgrade your speaking skills, consider taking my next Story Magic Intensive. Stories are fundamental to all speaking, selling and personal relations skills. Here you will learn to use them in ways that will change your life.

The first Story Magic Intensive held last December was a great success. My next one will be held the weekend of March 24 and 25 and will be limited to a maximum of ten participants.

Story Magic teaches you story creation techniques in a small group setting. These techniques can be used to create stories you can use in speeches, writing or promotional materials. During the event, you will discover where stories come from, you will write your own story and you will practice delivering it orally. Go to www.storyseminars.com for details.

Featured Articles in this issue:
  • Powerful Characters in Stories
  • News From Speak Your Way to Wealth

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Powerful Characters in Stories
By Lee Pound

Stories don't work unless they include great characters who want something badly. In most stories used in speeches, the main character will be you, the speaker. In stories you tell when meeting other people, you are almost always the main character.

Characters don't always have to be people. In one of my stories, the opposing character is a Brahma Bull at a rodeo. This bull wants out of the arena badly, creating great complications for the other characters in the arena.

Characters can even be inanimate objects, ideas or beliefs. If you believe something is impossible, for instance, you will never achieve it. Your story can be about how you overcame this limiting belief and achieved your goal.

Characters must be carefully defined so your listener or reader can visualize them and relate to them. This includes the most details of description, age, character, location and beliefs. This also includes the actions the character takes in response to challenges.

Characters who oppose your main character must also be carefully drawn so that we believe in them. If your opponent is too outlandish, we will refuse to believe in him or her (or it) and will therefore not believe your story and your lesson.

Characters give your story action, impetus and believability. Create them carefully and you will sway your audience to your point of view every time.

News From Speak Your Way to Wealth

You can still invest in a complete set of audio and video recordings of the Speak Your Way to Wealth seminar. If you want a jumpstart on getting new clients for your business, you will find everything you need to get started. Those who attended raved about the event. Get the tapes and find out what all the fuss was about. Simply go to www.speakyourwaytowealth.com for all the details.

Speak Your Way to Wealth 2007 will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 17, 18, and 19, 2007 in Newport Beach, California.

Just go to www.speakyourwaytowealth.com/2007event.htm for all the details.

Where Is Lee Speaking?

Saturday, Sunday, March 24, 25, 2007 Lee's Story Magic Intensive Weekend, location to be determined.

ASTD San Fernando Valley March or April 2007

South Orange County Genealogical Society, Saturday, April 21, 2007. Topic to be determined.

New Books

Fifty-Seven Steps to Better Writing is my personal look at the writing and publishing business. You will learn how to choose a genre, how to select a publishing method and how to use the craft of writing to make your work sparkle.

Order this book now

Do you need help with your writing?

Lee Pound  helps writers and speakers strengthen their communication skills by teaching them to write clear, concise prose that all readers can understand.

Learn more about coaching here

Do you need a speaker?

Lee is an inspirational and motivational speaker who presents to organizations, conferences, businesses and clubs interested in learning more about skills used to communicate in writing and speaking and how to apply those skills in our daily lives.

Learn more about my presentations


Learning to speak well requires practice. The best forum to practice is at a local Toastmasters Club. You can go to www.toastmasters.org for more information. You are invited to visit my clubs at any time. Call or e-mail for further information.

Possibilities Unlimited
Carrows Restaurant on Marguerite Parkway north of Avery Parkway in Mission Viejo, CA, Monday evening 7:15 p.m.

Performance Unlimited
Executive Career Services Conf. Room
2955 Main St., # 110, street level
Irvine, California, 92614, Wednesday evening, 7:00 p.m.

The Write Coach
4533 MacArthur Blvd., #200, Newport Beach, CA 92660
949-246-8580   lee@leepound.com  www.leepound.com

This newsletter is provided as a service to those interested in improving their writing and speaking skills. I will never sell or disclose your e-mail address to any other party for any reason. All information in our files will be kept in the strictest confidence. If you wish to discontinue receiving this newsletter, please e-mail me or use the link at the bottom of this e-mail. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone you think might want the information.